Corporate Wellness Solutions

Empowering your workforce with wellness solutions that drive healthier habits, boost productivity, and reduce healthcare costs.

Looking to improve the well-being of your employees, boost productivity, and create a healthier work environment. Half Belly Health’s Corporate Wellness Program covers everything from nutrition and fitness to mental health and work-life balance. We help companies of all sizes implement wellness strategies that lead to lasting change.

Why do you need a corporate wellness solution?

Companies that implement corporate wellness programs often see significant reductions in healthcare costs, alongside improvements in employee health, productivity, and engagement. Here are some key statistics related to reduced healthcare costs from corporate wellness programs:

  1. Average ROI: For every $1 spent on employee wellness programs, companies see an average return of $3.27 in reduced healthcare costs and $2.73 in lower absenteeism costs .

  2. Healthcare Cost Reduction: A study by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans found that 83% of organizations offering corporate wellness programs reported a decrease in healthcare costs. On average, companies experience a 25% reduction in health care expenses within 3 to 5 years after implementing a wellness program .

  3. Chronic Disease Costs: Wellness programs focusing on preventing or managing chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, heart disease) can reduce the costs associated with treating these conditions by as much as 30% .

  4. Healthcare Savings: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), workplace wellness programs can reduce medical and absenteeism costs by an estimated $3.6 million per year for a company with 10,000 employees .

  5. Prescription Drug Costs: Companies report reduced prescription drug usage by employees who engage in wellness programs. These programs can result in prescription cost savings of $144 per employee annually .

  6. Reduced Hospitalizations: Employees participating in corporate wellness programs have fewer hospital visits and reduced hospital costs, with hospitalization rates dropping by 10-30% depending on the program's scope .

Our mission is to create healthier workplaces by empowering employees with the knowledge and support they need to thrive. We believe that wellness is more than just fitness—it's about creating balance and promoting long-term health. Whether you’re looking for a one-time wellness event or an ongoing program, Half Belly Health delivers results-driven corporate wellness solutions that make a real impact.